6 Mistakes with a Barrier-Free Shower System You Don’t Want to Make

Whoever said that remodels were easy was lying. Not only do they take weeks to complete, but you often face unexpected problems along the way. One of the most troublesome areas of a home renovation project can be installing a barrier-free shower system, as there are many potential pitfalls and mistakes you’ll want to avoid to make sure your product is safe and functioning correctly. 

In this blog post, we’re going over six specific mistakes with a barrier-free shower system that homeowners need to watch out for so their new bathroom addition looks beautiful and remains protected in the future!

Not taking into consideration the necessary measurements for a barrier-free shower system

Hey there, do you ever get the feeling that showering can be a bit of a hassle? Well, imagine trying to do it with limited mobility. That's why it's so important to ensure that your shower is accessible to everyone. Sadly, not everyone takes the necessary measurements when installing a barrier-free shower system. 

Without the proper features, it can be a downright nightmare for anyone with limited mobility. Let's make sure we're all taking this seriously and doing our part to make showering a comfortable and easy experience for all.

Not considering the type of materials you’ll need for installing a barrier-free shower system

When considering a barrier-free shower system, it's important to think beyond just the basic design and layout. Many people overlook the crucial step of selecting the right materials needed for the installation process. It's essential to choose materials that are durable, water-resistant, and able to withstand frequent use. Likewise, the type of flooring that is used should also be slip-resistant, making it safe for individuals with mobility concerns. 

These details may seem minor, but they play a significant role in ensuring the overall safety and functionality of the barrier-free shower system. So, take the time to research and select the appropriate materials for your project to ensure a successful and long-lasting installation.

Forgetting to check for any potential plumbing or drain issues

We've all been there. You're going about your day and suddenly, disaster strikes. Maybe it's a clogged drain that won't let the water flow, or maybe it's a leaky pipe that's turned your home into an indoor swimming pool. It's easy to forget to check for potential plumbing or drain issues, but ignoring the warning signs can lead to some serious headaches down the road. 

So, take a minute to do a quick check every now and then. It may seem like a hassle, but it could save you a lot of time, money, and frustration in the long run. Trust us, your future self will thank you!

Installing a shower system with insufficient water pressure

So, you've got a shower system to install but you're worried about your low water pressure. Don't sweat it! There are a few things you can do to get that shower flowing like a champ. First, try removing any flow restrictors that may be in your showerhead or faucet. This can increase your water pressure significantly. 

Another option is to install a shower pump, which can help boost your water pressure to the desired level. Finally, make sure to clean any mineral buildup in your pipes or showerhead to ensure optimal water flow. With these tips, you'll be singing in the shower in no time.

Choosing incorrect hardware and installation systems, leading to possible leakage and mold growth

So, you're thinking of getting new hardware for your bathroom, huh? That's great! But hold up, before you go all-in with your shopping cart, let me give you a word of caution. Choosing the wrong hardware and installation system can lead to serious issues like leakage and mold growth. Yeah, no one wants that. 

So, take a deep breath, do your research, and ask some experts for tips. Trust us, a little extra effort, in the beginning, can save you from a major headache down the road. Happy shopping!

Not properly sealing the edges of your shower system using silicone caulk

When it comes to bathroom renovations and upgrades, one aspect that is often overlooked is properly sealing the edges of your shower system. Using silicone caulk to seal these areas is a crucial step in ensuring that water doesn't seep through and cause damage to your walls or floors. 

Without a proper seal, water can penetrate through tiny openings and create mold and mildew growth, as well as potential structural damage. By taking the time to properly seal these areas with silicone caulk, you will not only prevent water damage but also prolong the lifespan of your shower system. It's a simple yet effective measure that can save you time and money in the long run.

Summing Up

When installing a barrier-free shower system, it's important to have the right measurements and materials, install the correct hardware and sealing materials, as well as consider any potential plumbing or drain issues. Taking into account these few factors can help ensure that you complete an effective installation with minimal problems or frustration. By avoiding the six mistakes discussed in this post, you can rest assured that your new shower system is installed properly and safely. Whether you choose to undertake the project yourself or hire someone else to do it for you, taking these steps can help make sure that your shower system will be both attractive and safe for years to come!

About Coastal Bath & Shower

At Coastal Bath & Shower, we offer products and services that allow aging adults and people with mobility challenges to maintain their quality of life in their homes. We specialize in a wide array of bathing safety services such as walk-in bathtubs, tub-to-shower conversations, bathtub, and walk-in shower replacement, grab bars, surface refinishing, vintage tubs and sinks, and so much more. Our clients choose us because we provide exceptional and trustworthy services to help them and their loved ones stay safe, independent, and confident at home. For more information about walk-in showers for small bathrooms, call 757.224.1923 or fill out our online contact form.

Josh Torres